miércoles, 13 de febrero de 2013

21) The future of Evo-Devo (by Theodor Zbinden)

It is very difficult to predict the future of a scientific field because it depends on many factors.  The evolutionary developmental biology had in the past significant breakthroughs, so it can be in the future.  Or it can go on such as business as usual and inform the scientific community about discoveries on how changes in the development relate to changes in the evolution.  In the past decade some changes already took place within evo devo like “Eco

evo devo” a branch that integrates genetics, development, ecology and evolution within the environment.  A second branch is the “Evo devo niche construction” that attempts to relate development to the evolution of organisms constructing essential elements of their niche such as nests and tunnels or like here a beaver dam.  These organisms don’t adapt to the environment, they create their own environment.  A third branch is the “Behave evo devo” in
which evolutionary developmental mechanisms are intended to explain the origins of language, behavior and learning.  For example in bees, there exists a division of labor for reproduction and another for work.  And a forth branch is “Evo devo medicine” in which the evo devo concepts are applied to medical practices. 

If this trend goes on there could arise other branches such as “Evo devo physiology or “Evo devo life history”.  People think also that the “Evo devo” can change into “Devo evo”.  But what is the difference between evo–devo and devo–evo?  Evo–devo seeks to situate development within the study of evolution (Carroll 2008). Devo–evo seeks to generate a new theory of evolution based in development (Hall, 2012).  As Hallgrimsson and Hall mentioned, the “Devo evo” could give us a new theory about the origin of novel behaviors and structures with evolution based on population genetics.  Also it could explain the variation in existing phenotypes and the evolution of new and the maintenance of old phenotypes. 
Another scenario could be, as Scott Gilbert mentioned in 2009, that the term “Evo devo” will be changed to evolutionary biology.  The modern evolution or “New Synthesis” evolved in the 1930 and 1940 to explain how evolution occurs.  However, Gilbert and others think that an “Expanded Modern Synthesis” will evolve in which the synthesis not only includes evolution but also development.  If these two terms are integrated in the new concept of synthesis then it will be obvious that the “Evo devo” term will disappear and will be replaced by the new “Expanded Modern Synthesis” theory.
Another additional opinion has Ralf J. Sommer from the Max Blanck Institute for Developmental Biology in Tubingen.  He thinks that in the “Evo devo” research field an overwhelming number of model animals are used, and this is not necessary.  In the broader context, the “Evo devo” concepts that are investigated can be done within the established model organisms.  Mostly for these animals the required tools already exist for research and do not have to be invented.  This would be an important aspect for founding criteria.  In the Evo devo Biology field needs still to be done a lot of work and founding is a very important ingredient to do research.
As we can see, the “Evo devo” research field has still much potential to discover and add new knowledge to the scientific community.


  1. Bian K Hall, 2012. Evolutionary Developmenatl Biology (Evo-Devo): Past, Present and the Future. Evo Edu Outrich #5, 184-193.
  2. Ralf J. Sommer, 2009. The future od evo-devo: model systems and evolutionary theory. Nature 416, vol. 10.



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